PFC Emily Lopez (U.S. ARMY)
PFC Lopez, 6-52 Air Defense Artillery Battalion Command Group Driver, led the effort to strengthen and enhance the relations between the Soldiers of 6-52 ADA BN and the citizens of Suwon and nearby areas by offering her support and dedication through the unit. PFC Lopez helped in the facilitation of a meeting between the Battalion Command Team and city council members including the Mayor of Suwon, discussing ideas on how 6-52 ADA BN can continue to assist in supporting the community of Suwon. This meeting established increased trust and laid down the groundwork for future cooperation between the unit and the local population.
PFC Lopez was a participant in the 8A KATUSA friendship week and continues to be an immense supporter of the KATUSA program by supporting similar events and to include those with Korean Airmen on the local Air Base. PFC Lopez participates in Korean-English language classes and culture exchange programs. She has been an example for her peers and leaders alike in these efforts. Her open mindedness and willingness to learn the local culture is a model for others to follow. As PFC Lopez continues in her tour, she has become a go to Soldier for those seeking to experience the local culture. PC Lopez constantly pushes for the growth of friendship programs and building comradery and cohesion between US and ROK Soldiers.

IT2 Marcus Foster (U.S. NAVY)
IT2 Marcus Foster of Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea led the efforts in coordinating, tracking and maintaining oversight on a major network expansion project combining both U.S. and ROK Navy directorates. He was an outstanding ambassador as he worked closely with ROK Navy Sailors in understanding the U.S. Navy processes for managing such a convoluted project. He maintained daily communications with ROK Navy Sailors in the coordination and validation of space allocation and additional support requirements for a $12,000 project. His efforts enabled a closer working relationship providing a venue to share time critical information with the ROK Navy resulting in further strengthening the alliance and bond between the U.S. and ROK Navy’s by allowing the U.S. N5 and N9 directorates to work side-by-side with their ROK Navy counterparts. IT2 Foster’s initiative, understanding and excellent representation of the unit and the United States Navy greatly improved the relations between the U.S. and ROK Sailors on base.

Capt Elaine Clines (U.S. AIRFORCE)
Captain Elaine Clines has contributed significantly to improve relations and strengthen the alliance with our Korean partners. While riding on a local subway, she noticed a local citizen in distress while having a seizure, partnered with a coworker and provided basic life support, stabilizing the individual until care could be transferred to local EMS officials. In addition, while working with the 51FW Innovation Engine, she is partnering with a local business to award a contract to update all of the chemical equipment bags used on base. Furthermore, through her local Korean church, she directs the Cubbies program teaching English and playing games with local children ages 2-4. Finally, she has a significant and ongoing relationship with a local orphanage. She organized the squadron Christmas event, participated in the National Children’s Dental Health Month education program and volunteers on a nearly weekly basis. Altogether, Capt Clines has devoted over 50 hours to the community. These ongoing efforts have had significant impact on the local community and helped to improve community relations at Osan Air Base.

Sgt Jacob Fuller (U.S. MARINE CORPS)
Sgt Fuller is an extremely motivated and dedicated Marine. During his time at Camp Mujuk, Sgt Fuller has taken on the responsibilities of Training Chief due to a gap in personnel, this billet is typically held by a Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO). Without hesitation Sgt Fuller took on all duties associated with that billet to include but not limited to; maintaining training records for over a dozen areas, monitoring over thirty-five fitness tests, and scheduling unit training.
Sgt Fuller is the only Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Marine for the entire installation. He has improved the program greatly in regards to the equipment, training, and overall readiness of the unit in a CBRN environment. His actions have greatly improved the operational sections ability to meet the units training requirements.
Sgt Fuller has volunteered for and is currently serving as the President of the Single Marine Program (SMP) for Camp Mujuk. During his tenure as the president of the council he has helped schedule five separate SMP events. Sgt Fuller has also committed his personal time volunteering every Monday and Sunday evening conducting English class for the Nambu Fire Station and Bethlehem Church, which comes out to a total of thirty-six English lessons between the two classes. He has also volunteered for several other community relation events, such as the Halloween trick or treat event at Ocheon High School, Children’s Day with Pohang City’s Dream Start and a Marine Experience Day Camp. His direct involvement has helped to greatly improve community relations between the Pohang population and the Marines of Camp Mujuk. Although Sgt Fuller has only been at Camp Mujuk for eight months he has already proved to be an invaluable asset to Camp Mujuk.
PFC Emily Lopez (U.S. ARMY)
PFC Lopez, 6-52 Air Defense Artillery Battalion Command Group Driver, led the effort to strengthen and enhance the relations between the Soldiers of 6-52 ADA BN and the citizens of Suwon and nearby areas by offering her support and dedication through the unit. PFC Lopez helped in the facilitation of a meeting between the Battalion Command Team and city council members including the Mayor of Suwon, discussing ideas on how 6-52 ADA BN can continue to assist in supporting the community of Suwon. This meeting established increased trust and laid down the groundwork for future cooperation between the unit and the local population.
PFC Lopez was a participant in the 8A KATUSA friendship week and continues to be an immense supporter of the KATUSA program by supporting similar events and to include those with Korean Airmen on the local Air Base. PFC Lopez participates in Korean-English language classes and culture exchange programs. She has been an example for her peers and leaders alike in these efforts. Her open mindedness and willingness to learn the local culture is a model for others to follow. As PFC Lopez continues in her tour, she has become a go to Soldier for those seeking to experience the local culture. PC Lopez constantly pushes for the growth of friendship programs and building comradery and cohesion between US and ROK Soldiers.
IT2 Marcus Foster (U.S. NAVY)
IT2 Marcus Foster of Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea led the efforts in coordinating, tracking and maintaining oversight on a major network expansion project combining both U.S. and ROK Navy directorates. He was an outstanding ambassador as he worked closely with ROK Navy Sailors in understanding the U.S. Navy processes for managing such a convoluted project. He maintained daily communications with ROK Navy Sailors in the coordination and validation of space allocation and additional support requirements for a $12,000 project. His efforts enabled a closer working relationship providing a venue to share time critical information with the ROK Navy resulting in further strengthening the alliance and bond between the U.S. and ROK Navy’s by allowing the U.S. N5 and N9 directorates to work side-by-side with their ROK Navy counterparts. IT2 Foster’s initiative, understanding and excellent representation of the unit and the United States Navy greatly improved the relations between the U.S. and ROK Sailors on base.
Capt Elaine Clines (U.S. AIRFORCE)
Captain Elaine Clines has contributed significantly to improve relations and strengthen the alliance with our Korean partners. While riding on a local subway, she noticed a local citizen in distress while having a seizure, partnered with a coworker and provided basic life support, stabilizing the individual until care could be transferred to local EMS officials. In addition, while working with the 51FW Innovation Engine, she is partnering with a local business to award a contract to update all of the chemical equipment bags used on base. Furthermore, through her local Korean church, she directs the Cubbies program teaching English and playing games with local children ages 2-4. Finally, she has a significant and ongoing relationship with a local orphanage. She organized the squadron Christmas event, participated in the National Children’s Dental Health Month education program and volunteers on a nearly weekly basis. Altogether, Capt Clines has devoted over 50 hours to the community. These ongoing efforts have had significant impact on the local community and helped to improve community relations at Osan Air Base.
Sgt Jacob Fuller (U.S. MARINE CORPS)
Sgt Fuller is an extremely motivated and dedicated Marine. During his time at Camp Mujuk, Sgt Fuller has taken on the responsibilities of Training Chief due to a gap in personnel, this billet is typically held by a Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO). Without hesitation Sgt Fuller took on all duties associated with that billet to include but not limited to; maintaining training records for over a dozen areas, monitoring over thirty-five fitness tests, and scheduling unit training.
Sgt Fuller is the only Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Marine for the entire installation. He has improved the program greatly in regards to the equipment, training, and overall readiness of the unit in a CBRN environment. His actions have greatly improved the operational sections ability to meet the units training requirements.
Sgt Fuller has volunteered for and is currently serving as the President of the Single Marine Program (SMP) for Camp Mujuk. During his tenure as the president of the council he has helped schedule five separate SMP events. Sgt Fuller has also committed his personal time volunteering every Monday and Sunday evening conducting English class for the Nambu Fire Station and Bethlehem Church, which comes out to a total of thirty-six English lessons between the two classes. He has also volunteered for several other community relation events, such as the Halloween trick or treat event at Ocheon High School, Children’s Day with Pohang City’s Dream Start and a Marine Experience Day Camp. His direct involvement has helped to greatly improve community relations between the Pohang population and the Marines of Camp Mujuk. Although Sgt Fuller has only been at Camp Mujuk for eight months he has already proved to be an invaluable asset to Camp Mujuk.